Washington Baked

Happy Sunday to all,

Last weekend I didn’t get to finish the yard project I was undertaking.  Woes me, I didn’t get to finish this weekend either.

We have been hit hard with a heat wave.  Though I live in the Valley of the Jolly Green Giant, we have broke many records in this early summer heat.  Today was 112, and yesterday was 108.  So the family has been huddled inside the air conditioned house.

I spent the morning looking for a drill bit I bought purposely to hang up the towel racks in the bathroom.  Ended up unpacking some boxes and finally finding the drill bit, just before I had to make supper.  You know how you put something up so that you will remember where it is when you need it?  Well that is what I did with the drill bit.  4 hours later I remembered where I put it.  Ugh, this memory thing is beginning to bug me.

Well I got a few things done in the house today, but not nearly as much as I wanted.

Yesterday morning Lynn and I managed to put up a piece of OSB where the gate is going to be, seeing as the weather isn’t letting-up for at least another week.  We didn’t want to wait another week to get Kinzie in the yard.  We also hung two small gates.  One in the morning and one in the evening.  Kinzie spent her first night in her new yard.  I worried all night long, but she survived just fine.  She spent the day in the house though.

Kinzie, staying where it is cool.
Kinzie, staying where it is cool.

So I had to take a few pictures for the insurance on the house, so I will post those so you can see what has been done and some of what is left to do.

Front looking east
Front looking east
Side looking East
Side looking East
Back looking Southeast
Back yard looking Southeast

The yard looks pretty pitiful, but new grass will not be planted until next year.  So I am watering to green up the weeds, as they at least look better than brown weeds.  My new dream is to get it professionally landscaped with a sprinkling system.  It is good to have dreams and goals.  Although now I need to just chill-out and enjoy what I do have.

Stay cool and have a great week.

Annie, Having Hot Flashes in Washington 🙂

Fences and Weeds

It has actually been a very productive weekend.  Too bad it has to end.  I have lots and lots of stuff still left to do.  I think I probably should update the blog on Saturday and Sunday.  Because by the time Sunday is over, I have forgotten what I did on Saturday.  I wish I could forget to eat like I forget everything else.

Saturday:  Did some more painting on the fence boards and, actually, Lynn and I put up 4 more boards (2 sections).  Then we went to town and did grocery shopping and stopped to get some Chinese food.


2 sections done
2 sections done
Up a little closer.  The Gate will go just to the left of the 2 sections
Up a little closer. The Gate will go just to the left of the 2 sections

Then a little later in the evening we decided to check out the back gate and how we are going to put that in.  We are both very anxious to get little Miss Kinzie in her own back yard.  The weeds are mowed down for now.  Lynn broke another belt, but at least we have the weeds more under control now.

Lynn checking out where to put the back gate
Lynn checking out where to put the back gate
A little closer shot of Lynn scoping out the next thing on the "honey-do" list.
A little closer shot of Lynn scoping out the next thing on the “honey-do” list.

Sunday:  Painted more boards and finished up 2 more sections.  Then painted some more.  Still have a little bit more to paint before I retire the paintbrush for another week.  Want to get the boards done so Lynn can work his magic and build our gate.  I’m hoping that he will work on that tomorrow, but we will see if he feels up to it.  Weekends are hard on him.

Thought if I painted the boards first it would be much easier than painting the whole gate afterwards.  Can always touch-up any mar in the finish.

One of the other things Lynn and I both did this weekend was to mow and pull some weeds.

My side job.
My side job.
This is a before picture.  Stay tuned for next week
This is a before picture. Stay tuned for next week
More to clean up around the utility porch
More to clean up around the utility porch
So much sage brush and weeds.
So much sage brush and weeds.
Where the back gate is going.  It is just leaned up for now.
Where the back gate is going. It is just leaned up for now.

Those are the photos of what was accomplished this weekend.  Tune in next weekend for the finishing pictures.  Now that I have committed to posting the finishing pictures, I have to get busy and give you some results.  Okay, now one last photo.  Not sure when I will get to this project.  🙂

On of Lynn's many mower carcases that he can't part with.  Ugh.  It may disappear  someday when he's not looking.
On of Lynn’s many mower carcases that he can’t part with. Ugh. It may disappear someday when he’s not looking.

Stay tuned, and thanks for reading my blog.

Annie, the fence building, weed pulling Diva of Waitsburg

A busy and frustrating couple of weeks

Last week I didn’t post any updates as I went out of town to by beautiful granddaughter’s graduation.  I am so proud of her.  She has really grown into a beautiful young lady, inside and out.  It also gave me a chance to spend some time with my oldest son, John in North Bend.  It was absolutely stunning there.  Green and beautiful.

John's house in North Bend
John’s house in North Bend
Another view of the John's house.  Every thing was so green and luscious
Another view of John’s house. Every thing was so green and luscious
Not sure what this is, but it looked like a wild golden raspberry.  If anyone know, please tell me.  John didn't know.
Not sure what this is, but it looked like a wild golden raspberry. If anyone knows, please tell me. John didn’t know.

The reason for my frustration was more mower problems.  You would think with all the dead mowers we have, that we would have the parts to fix ours, but I guess that is not the case.  Which tells me that when given the chance we (I) will be clearing some of those off the property.  Maybe I can catch Lynn sleeping and and twitch my nose and, poof, they will all disappear!!  Anyway, he is keeping Troy busy trying to keep the main two running.  They think they have it figured out!!

In the meantime, the yard got way too tall for my comfort level, so I took my trusty little weed whacker and chopped a bunch of the weeds down.  Unfortunately, it got hot outside, and my knee has been giving me a lot of trouble, so I wasn’t able to get everything I wanted done.  My thought was to cut the whole back yard down with the whacker, (did that).  Then go over it with the lawn self-propelled mower, but I didn’t get that far.  I am really going to pay for this weekend.  My knee was just beginning to be a little less sore, and my physical therapy isn’t until the end of the month.  But I’m afraid I just moved myself two steps backwards.

I have this obsession with having a beautiful yard.  I grew up in Detroit pretty much without a yard, so that is something I have always wanted.  Then when I moved out here 27 years ago and we started building the dream home, my heart wasn’t in really planting and growing things, because I knew that we would be moving into our dream home.  Now that I am in the dream home, I don’t appear to have anymore patience for waiting on it to all come together.  I am just this much closer to a beautiful yard.  And I want it done NOW.  Throwing a little tantrum here.  🙂

Side yard taken probably June 5

Side yard taken probably June 5

Halfway there.
Halfway there.
Side of the house
Side of the house

With that being said, I did take a little time yesterday morning to go to the “Love of Junk” sale outside of Walla Walla.  It was great, I could have stayed there all day, but Lynn didn’t much care for it.  Said it was mostly girl stuff.  Oh!  Well next year I will leave him at home, and I will get to spend the whole day.

I did find me a treasure, that will be going in my sewing room.  My thoughts were to have a “daybed” with pillows and such all over it.  Found this brass bed frame and it just fit the bill.

My brass daybed treasure.
My brass daybed treasure.

Another thing I did on Friday evening was to go to the “Relay for Life” event.  The past two years I have stayed over night and got a lot of walking in.  This time my knee wouldn’t let me, and I spent a sleepless night paying for what I did walk.  But it was so worth it.  As I walked laps I said prayers for all those that have been lost to this dreaded disease.  Most recently, Ray Ferrer (artist) that passed away last month.  He was such an inspiration, and he really fought hard, and my heart cried for him and his beautiful family.  I prayed for my wonderful Aunt that is still fighting the battle, along with my good friend Mary.

To round off the weekend, I was able to plant some Zenia’s, and that just made me feel good inside.

Got some Zenia's for the front porch
Got some Zenia’s for the front porch
Some Zenia's in front of the rosebush
Some Zenia’s in front of the rosebush

So tell me how your weekend went.  I honestly think we should work 2 days and get 5 days off.  With the same pay, of course.

Have a wonderful week and I will talk to you next weekend.

Annie, the weed whacking diva 🙂